
AutoAudio Technology

The foundation of Sounded.com

What makes AutoAudio Technology so special?

Converting written text into digitally spoken words is quite commonplace in the modern era. What sets our platform aside is the bespoke algorithm that analyses the text input and prepares it for audio conversion.

AutoAudio Technology. Maybe.

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This complex pre analyses ensures that the output audio file is as close as possible to a finished production audiobook. This can save the author many hours of post-production effort. It can identify unnecessary white space, identify spoken conversations and characters in the book. It will identify the chapter and paragraph spacing and eliminate unwanted tables of content.

By disseminating the work into smaller parts, it will allow editing on a per line or chapter basis. All in all, AutoAudio is the beating heart of the Sounded.com platform. The editing tools provided once AutoAudio has done its job ensure the final book is ready for sale on our web store in the shortest possible time.

AutoAudio Technology. Maybe.

Amazing. Boil it down into one sentence?

It's simply a way of converting your literary work into an audiobook in the most efficient manner that we can.

It puts all the tools you need to improve and change your audiobook at your fingertips and it does it in an intuitive and carefully crafted way so that it feels like a home for you the author. AutoAudio corrects the timing in your work before conversion so it should sound good immediately. Don’t panic if it doesn't, you have all the tools you need to make it sound how you the author intended it to sound.

And if it’s still not quite right we have a dedicated team ready to help you.

AutoAudio Technology. Maybe.
That's the AutoAudio Technology difference. Real people who love audiobooks.
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